A Meditation on Three Trees
by M. Scott Bashoor
by M. Scott Bashoor
Round a green tree now we gather
And call our souls to song.
But wasn’t the rooty place rather
The cradle of man’s wrong?
T’was round a tree of ages past
Man’s sorrows first did rise.
His destiny by sin was cast
Into fiery demise.
What of the sad memory dark
Of evil wrought back then?
What takes the shame from the old bark,
The shame that came from sin?
There must be yet another tree
Where sin and shame were fought,
Where all sin on Christ came to be,
Salvation there was wrought.
How fitting is the coming, then,
To this green tree, I think,
To praise the One who died for men
To snatch them from the brink.
His suff’ring is the reason tall
We have this jubilee.
This favorite season of them all
Is naught without His tree.